Robert Nowak (Director)
Nowak is the Nosbusch Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the UW-Madison ( and an Adjoint Professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago.
Rebecca Willett (Associate Director)
Willett is a Professor Statistics at the University of Chicago. Her research focuses on developing machine learning and signal processing theory and methodology that exploit underlying low-dimensional models, including sparse and low-rank representations of data. Willett has received numerous awards, including the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program award. Willett leads the thrust on operational robustness.
Yingyu Liang (senior personnel)
Liang is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Sciences Department at the UW-Madison ( Liang works on the theoretical foundations of modern machine learning, including generalization bounds and provable nonconvex optimization and designing efficient algorithms for real world applications involving text and image data. Liang helps coordinating the thrust on adversarial robustness.
Mikko Lipasti (co-PI)
Lipasti is the Philip Dunham Reed Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the UW-Madison ( His research focuses on the design of high-performance, low-power, and reliable processor cores; networks-on-chip for manycore processors; and new, biologically-inspired models of computation. He is an IEEE Fellow and an inaugural member of all three Halls of Fame in computer architecture, and has received best paper and Test of Time awards for his research. Lipasti leads the thrust on computational efficiency.
Karen Livescu (co-PI)
Livescu is an Associate Professor at TTIC ( Karen’s main research interests are in speech/natural language processing, learning from multi-modal data, and related machine learning problems. Her work has received several Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards. She is an elected member of the IEEE Spoken Language Technical Committee and an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. Livescu helps coordinate the thrust on operational robustness.
Dimitris Papailiopoulos (co-PI)
Papailiopoulos is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the UW-Madison ( His research focuses on problems in the intersection of machine learning, coding theory, and distributed systems. He received the 2015 IEEE Signal Processing Society, Young Author Best Paper Award, and is a co-organizer of the new SysML Conference. Papailiopoulos helps coordinate the thrust on computational efficiency.
Greg Shakhnarovich (co-PI)
Shakhnarovich is an Associate Professor at TTIC ( His research interests include computational vision and machine learning, with recent work focusing on self-supervised learning of visual perception. He regularly serves as an Area Chair for flagship computer vision conferences, and is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. He has received the IBM Faculty Award in 2013. Greg helps coordinate the thrust on data efficient ML.
Xiaojin (Jerry) Zhu (co-PI)
Zhu is the Sheldon & Marianne Lubar Professor in Computer Science at the UW-Madison ( His research focuses on machine learning, in particular optimal teaching, active learning, and semi-supervised learning. He is a recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2010 and several best paper awards, and was the co-chair for AISTATS 2017. Zhu leads the thrust on adversarial ML.
Zachary Charles
Mina Karzand
Greg Ongie
Arhendu Tripathy
Chien-Fu Chen
Ph.D. Student
Davis Gilton
Ph.D. Student
Sumeet Katariya
Ph.D. Student
Ben Mark
Ph.D. Student
Blake Mason
Ph.D. Student
Michael Mishkin
Ph.D. Student
Urvashi Oswal
Ph.D. Student
Shashank Rajput
Ph.D. Student
Ravi Raju
Ph.D. Student
Harrison Rosenberg
Ph.D. Student
Ayon Sen
Ph.D. Student
Scott Sievert
Ph.D. Student
Qingming Tang
Ph.D. Student
Shubham Toshniwal
Ph.D. Student
Hongyi Wang
Ph.D. Student
Jiefeng Chen
Graduate Student
Igor Vasiljevic
Graduate Student
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